Why The Holy Guidance?

The Holy Guidance refers to the guidance of the only God (Allah) who didn’t just create the world but also guides the entire humanity to live with rules and regulations in every single moment of life by sending His book “The Holy Qur’an” to His last messenger, Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h). The authentication of the Holy Qur’an can be found by any person in this world, who can surely find himself in it. Where else in the world can compete with this challenge?

Firstly, I would like to say thanks to Almighty Allah who is the most beneficent and the most merciful. With the help of whom, I was able to do this thorough research on top of my studies.

This research I have done after a great struggle of 19 months just to make the revision of Holy Guidance easier for everyone. I have tried to do my work honestly because my cause needs too much honesty. a cause to help people understand the rule book of Allah. I have also verified my research three times, but the chances of human error might be higher.

So let’s make our lives better than before. Leave others to exercise their religion. First, better yourself and your faith, then teach everyone to do the same. so that we can make a happier and more peaceful society.